16 November 2010

Prudential Terganjal Kasus Hak Cipta senilai US$ 1,19 Juta !!

JAKARTA. PT Prudential Life Assurance, Tbk (Prudential Indonesia) saat ini sedang terganjal kasus hukum. Perusahaan asuransi asal Inggris ini tengah digugat di Pengadilan Niaga Jakarta Pusat oleh perusahaan konsultan dari negeri Paman Sam, The Institute for Motivational Living Inc lantaran dituding telah melakukan pelanggaran hak cipta.

The Institiute for Motivational Living mempermasalahkan sebuah modul yang telah digunakan oleh Prudential yang berjudul "Mengenai Tipe & Karakter Manusia Melalui: DISC Profile (what, why, how). Modul tersebut dinilai secara subtansial dan khas sama dengan hasil ciptaanya yakni dengan judul Understanding Your Personality Style Power Point dan Person to Person.

"Meski bentuk dan isinya telah diubah sedemikian rupa namun secara subtansial dan khas merupakan ciptaan kami," kata Heru Muzaki, kuasa hukum The Institute for Motivational Living, Minggu (7/11).

Heru menjelaskan bahwa materi ciptaan sudah dibuat The Institute for Motivational Living sejak tahun 2000. Bahkan hak cipta atas materi ciptaan Understanding Your Personality Style Power Point dan Person to Person itu sudah terdaftar dan mendapatkan sertifikatnya di negeri Paman Sam. Materi ini sudah menyebar ke berbagai negara. Di Indonesia sendiri, materi ciptaan ini sudah diterjemahkan dalam bahasa Indonesia pada tahun 2003.

Tahun 2009, The Institute for Motivational Living mendengarkan kabar bahwa ada pelanggaran hak cipta atas materi ciptaanya. Prudential menggunakan modul Mengenai Tipe & Karakter Manusia Melalui: DISC Profile tersebut untuk pelatihan yang diadakan oleh PruSales Academy.

The Institute for Motivational Living menilai kegiatan pelatihan itu bersifat komersil lantaran untuk melatih agen-agen untuk dapat menjual produk asuransi secara maksimal. "Prudential memperbolehkan peserta pelatihan memperbanyak secara gratis dan dalam modul itu tidak dicantumkan nama kami selaku pemegang hak cipta," ujarnya.

Atas perihal ini, The Institute for Motivational Living sempat tiga kali mengirimkan somasi dalam rentan waktu bulan Juli sampai September 2010. Namun sampai gugatan ini dilayangkan pada 1 Oktober lalu ke Pengadilan belum mendapatkan hasil yang memuaskan. "Memang sudah ada pembicaraan tapi belum menemukan titik temu" jelasnya.

Dalam gugatannya, The Institute for Motivational Living mengklaim tidak mendapatkan manfaat yang sebenarnya dari hasil materi ciptaannya. Makanya, The Institute for Motivational Living menuntut ganti rugi baik materiil maupun materiil sebesar US$1,190 juta kepada Prudential.

Tidak hanya itu. The Institute for Motivational Living meminta Majelis Hakim untuk menghukum Prudential dengan membuat pengumuman di dua media nasional yang isinya meminta kepada pihak-pihak yang memiliki modul untuk mengembalikannya ke The Institute for Motivational Living atau memusnahkan modul tersebut.

Nini Sumohandoyo, Corporate Marketing Communications Director PT Prudential belum dapat memberikan komentarnya terkait gugatan The Institute for Motivational Living. Nini menegaskan, bahwa sejauh ini pihaknya tengah berupaya untuk menyelesaikan sengketa ini secara baik. "Permasalahan ini masih terus diupayakan untuk diselesaikan secara baik oleh para pengacara kami" ucapnya.

Diambil dari kontan.co.id

Prudential Sued over Copyright for US$ 1,19 Million !!!

Taken from the indonesiatoday.com

American consulting firm The Institute for Motivational Living Inc has filed a lawsuit against PT Prudential Life Insurance for what it believes a violation of copyright committed by the insurance firm.

The consulting firm basically questioned a module that has been used by Prudential entitled "Mengenai Tipe & Karakter Manusia Melalui: DISC Profile (what, why, how)". The module is considered as a substantial and unique creation of the consulting firm titled "Understanding Your Personality Style and Power Point Person to Person".

"Although the form and content have changed, it is a substantial and peculiar a creation of ours," said Heru Muzaki, the legal counsel of The Institute of Motivational Living, Sunday as reported by Kontan.co.id.

He also explained that the material has been created by The Institute for Motivational Living since 2000. Even the copyright of “Understanding Your Personality Style” and “Power Point Person to Person” have already been registered in US. This material has been distributed to many countries. In Indonesia, the materials have been translated into Bahasa Indonesia in 2003.

In 2009, The Institute for Motivational Living learnt that there are violations of copyright in their materials. Prudential uses the module Mengenal Tipe & Karakter Manusia Melalui: DISC Profile (what, why, how)” for training organized by the PRUsales Academy.

The Institute for Motivational Living considers the training activities are commercial activities because they use to train agents to sell insurance products optimally. Furthermore, Heru Muzaki said that ” Prudential allows participants to reproduce free of charge and in a module that is not listed our name as the copyright holder”.

Upon this subject, The Institute for Motivational Living had three times sent notification letters within a period from July to September 2010. But until the lawsuit was filed on October 1, even to the court has yet to get satisfactory results. “There is already a discussion but have not found common ground” he said.

In the lawsuit, The Institute for Motivational Living claims they do not get benefit from the creation of material which they should. therefore, the consulting firm demands either material or formal compensation of amounted to US$1.190 million from Prudential. Not only that. The Institute for Motivational Living asked the judges to punish Prudential to make an announcement in two national media which contents shall request to the parties that have the module in question to return it to The Institute for Motivational Living or destroy it.

Nini Sumohandoyo, Corporate Marketing Communications Director of Prudential has not been able to make any comments related to the lawsuit. She asserted that so far Prudential have been working to resolve this dispute in a good way. (Theindonesiatoday.com)