16 November 2010

Prudential Terganjal Kasus Hak Cipta senilai US$ 1,19 Juta !!

JAKARTA. PT Prudential Life Assurance, Tbk (Prudential Indonesia) saat ini sedang terganjal kasus hukum. Perusahaan asuransi asal Inggris ini tengah digugat di Pengadilan Niaga Jakarta Pusat oleh perusahaan konsultan dari negeri Paman Sam, The Institute for Motivational Living Inc lantaran dituding telah melakukan pelanggaran hak cipta.

The Institiute for Motivational Living mempermasalahkan sebuah modul yang telah digunakan oleh Prudential yang berjudul "Mengenai Tipe & Karakter Manusia Melalui: DISC Profile (what, why, how). Modul tersebut dinilai secara subtansial dan khas sama dengan hasil ciptaanya yakni dengan judul Understanding Your Personality Style Power Point dan Person to Person.

"Meski bentuk dan isinya telah diubah sedemikian rupa namun secara subtansial dan khas merupakan ciptaan kami," kata Heru Muzaki, kuasa hukum The Institute for Motivational Living, Minggu (7/11).

Heru menjelaskan bahwa materi ciptaan sudah dibuat The Institute for Motivational Living sejak tahun 2000. Bahkan hak cipta atas materi ciptaan Understanding Your Personality Style Power Point dan Person to Person itu sudah terdaftar dan mendapatkan sertifikatnya di negeri Paman Sam. Materi ini sudah menyebar ke berbagai negara. Di Indonesia sendiri, materi ciptaan ini sudah diterjemahkan dalam bahasa Indonesia pada tahun 2003.

Tahun 2009, The Institute for Motivational Living mendengarkan kabar bahwa ada pelanggaran hak cipta atas materi ciptaanya. Prudential menggunakan modul Mengenai Tipe & Karakter Manusia Melalui: DISC Profile tersebut untuk pelatihan yang diadakan oleh PruSales Academy.

The Institute for Motivational Living menilai kegiatan pelatihan itu bersifat komersil lantaran untuk melatih agen-agen untuk dapat menjual produk asuransi secara maksimal. "Prudential memperbolehkan peserta pelatihan memperbanyak secara gratis dan dalam modul itu tidak dicantumkan nama kami selaku pemegang hak cipta," ujarnya.

Atas perihal ini, The Institute for Motivational Living sempat tiga kali mengirimkan somasi dalam rentan waktu bulan Juli sampai September 2010. Namun sampai gugatan ini dilayangkan pada 1 Oktober lalu ke Pengadilan belum mendapatkan hasil yang memuaskan. "Memang sudah ada pembicaraan tapi belum menemukan titik temu" jelasnya.

Dalam gugatannya, The Institute for Motivational Living mengklaim tidak mendapatkan manfaat yang sebenarnya dari hasil materi ciptaannya. Makanya, The Institute for Motivational Living menuntut ganti rugi baik materiil maupun materiil sebesar US$1,190 juta kepada Prudential.

Tidak hanya itu. The Institute for Motivational Living meminta Majelis Hakim untuk menghukum Prudential dengan membuat pengumuman di dua media nasional yang isinya meminta kepada pihak-pihak yang memiliki modul untuk mengembalikannya ke The Institute for Motivational Living atau memusnahkan modul tersebut.

Nini Sumohandoyo, Corporate Marketing Communications Director PT Prudential belum dapat memberikan komentarnya terkait gugatan The Institute for Motivational Living. Nini menegaskan, bahwa sejauh ini pihaknya tengah berupaya untuk menyelesaikan sengketa ini secara baik. "Permasalahan ini masih terus diupayakan untuk diselesaikan secara baik oleh para pengacara kami" ucapnya.

Diambil dari kontan.co.id

Prudential Sued over Copyright for US$ 1,19 Million !!!

Taken from the indonesiatoday.com

American consulting firm The Institute for Motivational Living Inc has filed a lawsuit against PT Prudential Life Insurance for what it believes a violation of copyright committed by the insurance firm.

The consulting firm basically questioned a module that has been used by Prudential entitled "Mengenai Tipe & Karakter Manusia Melalui: DISC Profile (what, why, how)". The module is considered as a substantial and unique creation of the consulting firm titled "Understanding Your Personality Style and Power Point Person to Person".

"Although the form and content have changed, it is a substantial and peculiar a creation of ours," said Heru Muzaki, the legal counsel of The Institute of Motivational Living, Sunday as reported by Kontan.co.id.

He also explained that the material has been created by The Institute for Motivational Living since 2000. Even the copyright of “Understanding Your Personality Style” and “Power Point Person to Person” have already been registered in US. This material has been distributed to many countries. In Indonesia, the materials have been translated into Bahasa Indonesia in 2003.

In 2009, The Institute for Motivational Living learnt that there are violations of copyright in their materials. Prudential uses the module Mengenal Tipe & Karakter Manusia Melalui: DISC Profile (what, why, how)” for training organized by the PRUsales Academy.

The Institute for Motivational Living considers the training activities are commercial activities because they use to train agents to sell insurance products optimally. Furthermore, Heru Muzaki said that ” Prudential allows participants to reproduce free of charge and in a module that is not listed our name as the copyright holder”.

Upon this subject, The Institute for Motivational Living had three times sent notification letters within a period from July to September 2010. But until the lawsuit was filed on October 1, even to the court has yet to get satisfactory results. “There is already a discussion but have not found common ground” he said.

In the lawsuit, The Institute for Motivational Living claims they do not get benefit from the creation of material which they should. therefore, the consulting firm demands either material or formal compensation of amounted to US$1.190 million from Prudential. Not only that. The Institute for Motivational Living asked the judges to punish Prudential to make an announcement in two national media which contents shall request to the parties that have the module in question to return it to The Institute for Motivational Living or destroy it.

Nini Sumohandoyo, Corporate Marketing Communications Director of Prudential has not been able to make any comments related to the lawsuit. She asserted that so far Prudential have been working to resolve this dispute in a good way. (Theindonesiatoday.com)

28 Januari 2010

Arrest of Ship in Indonesia: An Overview


Indonesia, as an archipelagic state, had ratified the International Convention on Maritime Liens and Mortgages 1993. As a continuance, it also ratifies the International Convention on Arrest of Ships 1999 (“Arrest of Ships Convention”). The purposes of such ratifications are to harmonize and to converge Indonesian Shipping Laws with the other Asian countries’ laws. Such harmonization will also automatically encourage creditors in providing fund for ship procurement.

The ratification of the two international instruments brings a consequences that there shall be national legislation which conform those conventions. Indonesia subsequently enacted the Law Number 17 of 2008 regarding Maritime (“Indonesian Maritime Law”). This law serves as harmonization of the two international conventions as well as a gate to the new era of Maritime Law in Indonesia.

This writing will focuses itself on the arrest of ship in Indonesia. This paper will be divided into 3 (three) parts. Part I will concentrate on Indonesian Maritime Law, specifically on provisions governing the arrest of ship. This part will also describe the requirements and mechanisms set forth in Indonesian Maritime Law to arrest ship/s. Part II will give the reader general overview of the Arrest of Ships Convention. An overview is deemed important to predict future regulation concerning arrest of ship in practice. This is since the Indonesian Government has not yet issued any enforcement regulation of Indonesian Maritime Law. Part III is the conclusion that can be derived from previous parts.

II. The Arrest of Ship on Indonesian Maritime Law

Indonesian Maritime Law provides that arrest of ship shall be conducted through Court-mechanism. Such mechanism is conducted without filing a lawsuit against the owner of ship. Accordingly, based on Article 222 of Indonesian Maritime Law, Port master can only arrests ship based on written Court order. Such order can be issued based on 2 (two) reasons:
a. The ship is connected with criminal matter; or
b. The ship is connected with civil matter.

In the event that the ship is connected with civil matter, a Court order is made based on a claim known as Maritime Claim. Such claim is conducted without file a lawsuit against the ship. The law also specifically mentions several conditions in which a Maritime Claim may arise. Maritime Claim is defined as a claim arising out of one or more of the following:

(a) loss or damage caused by the operation of the ship;

(b) loss of life or personal injury occurring, whether on land or on water, in direct connection with the operation of the ship;

(c) salvage operations or any salvage agreement, including, if applicable, special compensation relating to salvage operations in respect of a ship which by itself or its cargo threatened damage to the environment;

(d) damage or threat of damage caused by the ship to the environment, coastline or related interests; measures taken to prevent, minimize, or remove such damage; compensation for such damage; costs of reasonable measures of reinstatement of the environment actually undertaken or to be undertaken; loss incurred or likely to be incurred by third parties in connection with such damage; and damage, costs, or loss of a similar nature to those identified in this subparagraph (d);

(e) costs or expenses relating to the raising, removal, recovery, destruction or the rendering harmless of a ship which is sunk, wrecked, stranded or abandoned, including anything that is or has been on board such ship, and costs or expenses relating to the preservation of an abandoned ship and maintenance of its crew;

(f) any agreement relating to the use or hire of the ship, whether contained in a charter party or otherwise;

(g) any agreement relating to the carriage of goods or passengers on board the ship, whether contained in a charter party or otherwise;

(h) loss of or damage to or in connection with goods (including luggage) carried on board the ship;

(i) general average;

(j) towage;

(k) pilotage;

(l) goods, materials, provisions, bunkers, equipment (including containers) supplied or services rendered to the ship for its operation, management, preservation or maintenance;

(m) construction, reconstruction, repair, converting or equipping of the ship;

(n) port, canal, dock, harbour and other waterway dues and charges;

(o) wages and other sums due to the master, officers and other members of the ship's complement in respect of their employment on the ship, including costs of repatriation and social insurance contributions payable on their behalf;

(p) disbursements incurred on behalf of the ship or its owners;

(q) insurance premiums (including mutual insurance calls) in respect of the ship, payable by or on behalf of the ship owner or demise charterer;

(r) any commissions, brokerages or agency fees payable in respect of the ship by or on behalf of the ship owner or demise charterer;

(s) any dispute as to ownership or possession of the ship;

(t) any dispute between co-owners of the ship as to the employment or earnings of the ship;

(u) a mortgage or a "hypothèque" or a charge of the same nature on the ship;

(v) any dispute arising out of a contract for the sale of the ship.

In relation with these conditions, Indonesian Maritime Law provides that further mechanism regarding arrest of ship will be further regulated by a Minister Regulation. Unfortunately, until the present time, such regulation has not been issued by relevant authorities. As a form of compliance, the regulation will be made in accordance with the Arrest of Ships Convention. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct an overview towards the stated Convention.

III. General Overview on Arrest of Ships Convention

The Convention defines arrest as any detention or restriction on removal of a ship by order of a Court to secure a Maritime Claim. However, this does not include the seizure of a ship in execution or satisfaction of a judgment or other enforceable instrument. A ship may only be arrested in respect of a Maritime Claim. This means that there exists no other claim against the ship.

A ship may be arrested or released from arrest only under the authority of a Court of State in which the arrest is effected. Arrest may be conducted for the purpose of obtaining security. In this vein, Arrest of Ships Convention provides flexibilities. Arrest can be made regardless the existence of a jurisdiction clause or arbitration clause in any relevant contract. The arrest can also be made even if such arrest is to be adjudicated in a State other than the State where the arrest is effected, or is to be arbitrated, or is to be adjudicated subject to the law of another State.

Release from Arrest

When it comes to the question of how a ship which is arrested can be released, Arrest of Ships Convention expressly provided that a ship shall be released when sufficient security has been provided in a satisfactory form. Nevertheless, this may not be applied in cases of dispute regarding ownership or possession of the ship and dispute between co-owners of the ship as to the employment or earnings of the ship. In these cases, the Court may permit the person in possession of the ship to continue trading the ship, upon such person providing sufficient security, or may otherwise deal with the operation of the ship during the period of the arrest.
Satisfactory form means that there shall be an agreement or settlement proposal agreed by both parties. In the absence of such agreement, the Court has authority to determine the nature and the amount of satisfactory form. Nonetheless, such nature and amount shall not exceed the value of the arrested ship. Once the person responsible for the ship has provided sufficient security in satisfactory form, such person may at any time apply to the Court to have that security reduced, modified, or cancelled.

Right of Re-arrest and Multiple Arrest

Basically, a ship cannot be arrested subsequent to sufficient security given by the person responsible to secure same Maritime Claim. Nonetheless, this is not applicable in several situations. First, the nature or amount of security is inadequate; or second, the person who has already provided the security is not, or is unlikely to be, able to fulfill its obligations; or third, the arrested ship or the security provided was released upon the consent of the Claimant (person who raise Maritime Claim) acting on reasonable grounds; or because the Claimant cannot, by taking reasonable steps, prevent the release.
Protection of Owners and Demise Charterers of the Arrested Ships
To arrest a ship, one shall be careful in examining the grounds. This is since the Arrest of Ships Convention provides obligation for Claimant, who (1) have been conducting wrongful or unjustified arrest; or (2) excessive security actually have been demanded or provided, to provide security for any loss or damage arisen as a result of the arrest. The amount of such security shall be imposed and determined by the Court who issues the arrest. The Court also empowered to determine the amount of compensation for the loss or damage arisen from the above two conditions.

04 Desember 2009

Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Award in Indonesia

Applicable Law

· Article 66 (c) of Indonesian Law Number 30 Year 1999 regarding Arbitration and Alternative Dispute Resolutions (“Indonesian Law Number 30 Year 1999”)

“ The execution of foreign arbitral award can only be conducted with an exequatur issued by the Chairman of Central jakarta District Court.”

· The Indonesian Supreme Court Regulation Number 1 Year 1999 regarding the Procedures on the Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards; (“PERMA 1/1999”)

· Presidental Decree Number 34 Year 1981 regarding Indonesia’s accesion to the 1958 New York Convention;(“KEPPRES 34/1991”)

· The 1958 New York Convention on Recognition and Enforcement of International Arbitral Award (“The 1958 New York Convention”).


Indonesia’s accesion to the 1958 New York Convention is accomodated through KEPPRES 34/1991. Subsequent to this accession, Indonesian Supreme Court issued PERMA 1/1999 concerning the procedures on the enforcement of foreign arbitral awards. The reason of this issuance is that the existing civil procedural law is deemed insufficient to regulate the matter of execution of foreign arbitral awards.

As a development, Indonesia then enacted the Law Number 30 Year 1999 regarding Arbitration and Alternative Dispute Resolution to govern all substantial and procedural matters concerning arbitration and alternative dispute resolutions. This law basically adopts the previous rules and regulations with a few modifications. These adoptions and modifications are, inter alia :

a. in article 3 (4) of PERMA 1/1999, the award can be enforced if there is an exequatur from the Supreme Court. This is different with the regime of Indonesian Law Number 30 Year 1999 which regulate that the exequatur shall be issued by the Chief of Central Jakarta District Court unless the Republic of Indonesia is involved in the award then exequatur shall be issued only by the Supreme Court.

b. Article 66 of the Indonesian Law Number 30 Year 1999 compiles all registration requirements contained in Article 3 and 4 of PERMA 1/1999.

c. PERMA 1/1999 never specify who should register the award to the Chief of Central Jakarta District Court. This is later regulated by Indonesian Law Number 30 Year 1999 which stated that the registration shall be conducted by arbiter or his/her representative/s.

The execution of arbitral award in Indonesia shall be conducted in 2 (two) steps of Court-mechanisms. Those steps are Registration and Execution.

  1. Registration

Every arbitral award shall be registered by the arbiter or its representative/s in the District Court of Central Jakarta as the authorized court according to the law (Article 65 of Indonesian Law Number 30 Year 1999). Since there is no specific rule regarding the time limit for registration of foreign arbitral award, one can conclude that the time limit is similar with the registration of national arbitral award which is 30 (thirty) days subsequent to the declaration of the award. (Article 59 (1) of Indonesian Law Number 30 Year 1999)

The registration shall be made by providing required documents as follows: (Article 67 (2) of Indonesian Law Number 30 Year 1999)

a. an authentic documents of foreign arbitral award or its authentic copy with its official translation into Bahasa Indonesia;

b. authentic documents of the agreement which the award was based or its authentic copy with its official translation into Bahasa Indonesia;

c. a notification from diplomatic representative of the Republic of Indonesia where the award was made. This notification shall confirm that the State where the award was made is bound by a treaty, both bilateral or multilateral, along with the Republic of Indonesia regarding the recognition and enforcement of foreign arbitral award.

  1. Execution

After registration, the Chief of Central Jakarta District Court will examine whether the award can be recognized and enforced or not. There are several considerations in this examination, namely: (Article 66 of Indonesian Law Number 30 Year 1999)

a. The Foreign Arbitral Award was adjudged by an arbiter or arbitration board in a State which bound by treaties, both bilateral or multilateral, with the Republic of Indonesia regarding the Recognition and Execution of International Arbitral Award (The 1958 New York Convention);

b. The award is, according to Indonesian law, considered to be within the scope of business law. The term “within the scope of business law” means other activities in the field of trading, banking, finance, investment, industry and intellectual property. (Explanation of Article 66 (b) of Indonesian Law Number 30 Year 1999)

c. The award shall be in conformity with public order.

A mere recognition is not sufficient to enforce the award. Subsequent to the award’s recognition by the Chief of Central Jakarta District Court, he/she will issue an exequatur to grant the execution of the award in Indonesia. (Article 66 (d) of Indonesian Law Number 30 Year 1999) In short, exequatur means an execution order or a title of execution attached to the arbitral award. An exequatur issued by the Chief of Central Jakarta District Court is considered as final and binding. There is no further legal action can be invoked against this exequatur. (Article 68 (1) of Indonesian Law Number 30 Year 1999) However in the event that the Chief of Central Jakarta District Court refuses to issue an exequatur, a party can submit the refusal to the Indonesian Supreme Court for cassation. (Article 68 (2) of Indonesian Law Number 30 Year 1999)

Basically, a further legal action can be brought against the decision of Supreme Court. (Article 23 of the Indonesian Law Number 4 Year 2004 regarding the Judicial Power) However, in the realm of recognition and enforcement of foreign arbital award, there is no further legal action can be invoked against the refusal delivered by Indonesian Supreme Court. This is since the Supreme Court in this stage only examines the formalities of the award, not substantial. In other words, in this stage the Supreme Court does not examine the legal facts (judex factie) but it only examines the formalities set forth in Article 66 of Indonesian Law Number 30 Year 1999. This is in line with article 60 of Indonesian Law Number 30 Year 1999 which recognized that an arbital award is deemed final and binding. Consequently, there is no substantial examination can be conducted towards foreign arbitral award.


The matter of execution of foreign arbitral awards in Indonesia ever occurred in a dispute between Bankers Trust Company and Bankers Trust International PLC (together BT) vs. PT Mayora Indah Tbk. (Mayora). This case is regarding the currency and interest rate swap transactions based on the International Swaps and Derivatives Association (ISDA) Master Agreement dated 25 April 1997. The dispute was adjudged by arbitrators from London in 1999 according to the Rules of the London Court of International Arbitration (“LCIA”). In this dispute, the award rules in favor of BT and further obliges PT. Mayora to pay some amount of money to BT.

Subsequently, PT. Mayora brought this dispute to South Jakarta District Court. The judgment of South Jakarta District Court No. 46/Pdt.G/1999 dated 9 Desember 1999 further rules in favor of PT. Mayora. In the meantime, BT request an exequatur for the award. Nonetheless, The Chief of Central Jakarta District Court refuses to issue an exequatur. (Decree No.001 and 002/Pdt/Arb.Int/1999/PN.JKT.PST juncto 02/Pdt.P/2000/PNJKT.PST, dated 3 February 2000) The reason is since both BT and PT Mayora has an ongoing process of similar dispute in South Jakarta District Court. The Chief stated that in court proceeding, the execution of an award (in this vein, foreign arbitral award) shall be postponed until the judgement by South Jakarta District Court is considered as final and binding. Otherwise, it will be in contravention with civil procedural law.

After this judgment, BT then submitted the refusal of the Chief of Central Jakarta District Court to the Supreme Court for cassation. In this level, the Supreme Court further strengthen the refusal to execution of the award. (The Decision of Supreme Court No. 02K/Ex’r/Arb.Int/Pdt/2000 dated 5 September 2000) The rationale for this refusal is basically similar with the reason declared by the Chief of Central Jakarta District Court that the enforcement of foreign arbitral awards shall be postponed until the judgement by South Jakarta District Court is considered as final and binding. The Supreme Court stated that if otherwise, it will be in contravention with civil procedural law and therefore it also contravenes public order. If the award contravenes the public order, thus an exequatur shall not be issued. (Article 66 (c) of Indonesian Law Number 30 Year 1999) Following the decision of the Supreme Court, which is final and binding, BT has no further legal action can be brought against this refusal.


The procedures of foreign arbitral award’s execution are regulated under civil procedural law. (Article 69 (3) of Indonesian Law Number 30 Year 1999) Under this law, following the issuance of exequatur, the execution of Foreign Arbitral Award subsequently will be transferred to the Chief of any District Court who is relatively authorized to conduct it. (Article 69 (1) of Indonesian Law Number 30 Year 1999; Article 3777 of Het Herziene Indonesisch Reglement (“HIR”); Article 705 of Reglemen voor Buiten gewesten(“RBg”)) For example, the Defendant’s asset is located in North Jakarta therefore the Chief of North Jakarta District Court is authorized to conduct and control the execution. The authorized Chief of District Court will summon a warning (aanmaning) to the defendant and ordering it to voluntarily fulfill its obligation in 8 (eight) days. (Article 196 of HIR/Indonesian Civil Procedural Code; Article 207 of RBg) If subsequent to the time limit the Defendant still has not fulfill its obligation, the Chief of the District Court will order the Defendant’s assets to be confiscated. Bearing in mind that the exequatur also empowers the party to confiscate Defendant’s assets. (Article 69 (2) of Indonesian Law Number 30 Year 1999) This confiscation shall be conducted by a registrar and confiscator supervised by the Chief of the District Court. (Article 60 and 65 the Law Number 2 Year 1986 regarding the General Court; Article 195 (1) of HIR/Indonesian Civil Procedural Code; Article 206 (1) of RBg)

22 April 2009

Abstract: Commercialization of Outer Space and the Law of Outer Space


In the realm of outer space, the activities therein are developing from it was conducted only by two Space Powers. In late 50’s, outer space serves as a theatre of two nations in showing each powers, both in civil and military purposes. In this situation, swathed with political tensions, the United Nations successfully concluded “Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies” (hereinafter The 1967 Outer Space Treaty). This treaty, known as ‘Magna Charta’ of outer space, consists of fundamental principles for States in conducting their space activities. One of these principles is the Common Heritage of Mankind. From time to time, this principle is facing challenges and criticisms along with the development of space activities.

Nowadays, space activities turn out into a flourish business which conducted not only by States, but also by companies. This situation could be referred as the commercialization of outer space, which defines as increasing commercial activities conducted in outer space. Commercial activities can be divided into several categories, namely Telecommunication, Transportation, Remote Sensing, Materials Processing, and Exploitation of Natural Resources. Nonetheless, commercial space activities do not seem in line with its legal development. This further supported by different views adopted by States concerning various space activities. Thus, these differences have led international community into an uncertain legal atmosphere.

Different views adopted by States have been an endless debate between developing States and developed States, especially in the exploitation of various natural resources contained in outer space and its celestial bodies. For instance, in one side developed States insist to reject the Common Heritage of Mankind principle. They stated that this principle has become a bar to the development of space activities. In this vein, with regards to exploitation of natural resources developed States stated that the resources could be appropriated since the provision on the 1967 Outer Space Treaty only prohibits appropriation of the “area” rather than the resources. On the other hand, the developing States sought protection by invoking the Common Heritage of Mankind principle and stated that no appropriation whatsoever can be conducted over any object in outer space and celestial bodies. They contend that the view of developed States is groundless since the resources are in any means attached in the “area” where no appropriation could be made. The different opinions concerned may affect commercial activities and investments. Automatically, the development of space activities would be barred by this situation.

This paper will concentrate on whether the Common Heritage of Mankind principle still relevant in the commercial atmosphere of space activities. This paper will be divided into 5 parts. Part I discusses the background of the issue, which is the existence of different views adopted by States towards the Common Heritage of Mankind principle. Part II of this paper describes the history of space activity and the origin of legal instruments regarding outer space activities. This is since in order to examine a principle, a sufficient knowledge on how the principle was drafted is needed. Part III examines the rise of commercial space activities. This part describes the background and effect of such commercial activities to the space activities in general including exploitation of natural resources in outer space. Part IV of this paper analyzes the implication of commercialization of outer space towards the Common Heritage of Mankind principle. This part examines the different views and interpretations adopted by States with regard to the Common Heritage of Mankind principle. Finally, Part V concerns the conclusion obtained by the Writer according to previous parts of this paper.

by Heru Muzaki, S.H.

03 Maret 2009


Oleh : Lambok Hutapea, SH


Korupsi merupakan tindak pidana yang mengakibatkan kerugian pada perekonomian negara. Undang-Undang No 31 Tahun 1999 dan Undang-Undang No 20 Tahun 2001 tidak memberikan suatu definisi yang pasti mengenai tindak pidana korupsi. Akan tetapi, dalam pasal 2 jo pasal 3 pada UU No 31 Tahun 1999 ditemukan unsur-unsur tindak pidana korupsi. Hal itu mencakup :
• setiap orang, yakni orang perseorangan atau korporasi ;
• dimana mereka melakukan perbuatan memperkaya diri sendiri atau orang lain atau korporasi secara melawan hukum ;
• dengan cara penyalahgunaan kewenangan, kesempatan atau sarana yang ada padanya karena jabatan atau kedudukan ;
• yang dimana perbuatan yang dimaksud mengakibatkan kerugian terhadap keuangan negara atau perekonomian negara.

Pengkategorian korupsi sebagai suatu tindak pidana merupakan langkah yang tepat bagi proses pembentukan hukum nasional. Hal ini juga berhubungan dengan pengklasifikasian tindak pidana korupsi sebagai kejahatan luar biasa (extra ordinary-crime). Alasannya tidak lain bahwa tindak pidana ini dilakukan oleh pihak yang berada dalam suatu instansi pemerintah yang dimana perbuatan mereka mengakibatkan kerugian terhadap keuangan negara.

Pemberlakuan UU Tipikor tidak begitu saja meningkatkan praktik pemberantasan korupsi. Keadaan yang terjadi (sebelum berlakunya UU Tentang KPK) ialah lemahnya integritas dan kredibilitas jajaran instansi pemerintah hingga pada aparat penegak hukum dalam memberantas praktik korupsi yang terjadi. Hal ini justru mendorong terjadinya perkembangan praktik korupsi yang pada awalnya diharapkan terhadap peningkatan pemberantasan korupsi.

Seiring dengan perkembangan praktik korupsi maka dapat dirasakan kebutuhan akan suatu instansi pemerintah yang dapat melakukan suatu perubahan yang bersifat progresif. Kebutuhan akan perubahan inilah yang mendorong lahirnya suatu lembaga negara yang disebut dengan Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (selanjutnya disebut dengan KPK). KPK merupakan lembaga negara yang memiliki fungsi dan wewenang dalam menjalankan pemberantasan tindak pidana korupsi. UU No 30 Tahun 2002 dalam hal menimbang mengatakan bahwa kehadiran KPK sebagai solusi atas belum berfungsinya secara efektif dan efisien pemberantasan tindak pidana korupsi yang sebelumnya ditangani oleh lembaga pemerintah yang berwenang untuk itu.

Dalam sejarahnya, korupsi telah dikenal pada masa VOC (Verenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie). VOC merupakan perusahaan Belanda yang didirikan pada tanggal 20 mei 1602. Perusahaan ini memiliki kekuasaan untuk melakukan praktik monopoli pada aktivitas perdagangan di Asia. Kehadiran VOC dapat dirasakan sebagai awal dari zaman penjajahan bangsa Belanda di Indonesia. Akan tetapi, masa kejayaan VOC tidak berlangsung lama atau dengan kata lain VOC mengalami masa kehancurannya. Hal ini dikarenakan adanya mentalitas korup yang terdapat dalam diri pejabat VOC.

Sejarah di atas dapat dilihat bahwa korupsi merupakan suatu perbuatan yang dapat mendatangkan kerugian. Korupsi juga erat kaitannya dengan sikap mentalitas seseorang. Dengan maksud bahwa sikap mental seseorang akan menentukan cara pandangnya terhadap korupsi. Hal ini berhubungan dengan idealisme yang akan diimplementasikan dalam tataran realisme. Sebagai ilustrasi, seseorang yang telah memiliki suatu idealisme terhadap korupsi merupakan suatu perbuatan pidana yang dapat menimbulkan kerugian bagi negara ketika ia dihadapkan pada suatu kesempatan untuk melakukan hal tersebut ia akan menolaknya.

UU tentan KPK memiliki suatu catatan tersendiri bagi saya. Pada pasal 6 huruf e dapat dilihat bahwa tugas yang diberikan oleh UU kepada KPK sangatlah mulia. Hal ini terletak pada pelaksanaan mengenai pasal tersebut terdapat dalam pasal 13 UU KPK. Menurut pasal tersebut, dirasakan bahwa tugas yang diemban oleh KPK sangat berat dalam mewujudkan pemberantasan tindak pidana korupsi. Tugas itu memiliki sifat yang preventif dalam membasmi praktik korupsi. Dan memang sudah menjadi suatu keharusan bahwa dalam membasmi praktik korupsi, KPK harus memberikan suatu bentuk pemahaman akan korupsi kepada masyarakat. Maksudnya, KPK juga harus menjadi pihak yang menanamkan suatu kesadaran mengenai bahaya laten korupsi kepada masyarakat yang dapat dilakukan dalam setiap jenjang pendidikan formal dan non-formal.


Kehadiran KPK telah membawa iklim ke arah penegakan hukum dalam memberantas korupsi. Fakta telah berbicara bahwa beberapa kasus mengenai dugaan tindak pidana korupsi yang dilakukan oleh pejabat negara telah mengalami proses pengadilan dan memiliki putusan yang bersifat in-kracht. Hal ini menjadikan KPK sebagai satu-satunya lembaga negara yang ditakuti oleh lembaga-lembaga negara lainnya. Alasannya tidak lain bahwa tidak ada satupun perkara yang dibawa oleh KPK dinyatakan tidak terbukti dalam hal dugaan tindak pidana korupsi. Akan tetapi, inikah yang sebenarnya yang dimaksud dengan pemberantasan korupsi?

Menurut UU KPK menyatakan bahwa pemberantasan tindak pidana korupsi adalah serangkaian tindakan untuk mencegah dan memberantas tindak pidana korupsi melalui upaya kordinasi, supervisi, monitor, penyelidikan, penyidikan, penuntutan dan pemeriksaan di sidang pengadilan denga peran serta masyarakat berdasarkan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku. Ketentuan tersebut mencantumkan berbagai upaya dalam memberantas tindak pidana korupsi. Upaya-upaya ini memiliki sifat tersendiri. Sifat yang dimaksud diadopsi dari teori penyelesaian konflik yang berupa preventif dan represif. Pada sifatnya yang preventif dimaksudkan kepada upaya pencegahan terjadinya tindak pidana korupsi. Sedangkan sifat yang represif ditekankan pada pengembalian suatu keadaan setelah terjadinya perbuatan tindak pidana korupsi.

UU KPK memberi suatu interpretasi mengenai sifat represif terhadap pemberantasan tindak pidana korupsi. Hal ini dapat dilihat dalam wewenang yang dimiliki oleh KPK untuk melakukan penyelidikan, penyidikan, penuntutan dan pemeriksaan dalam adanya dugaan tindak pidana korupsi. Pengimplementasian hal yang dimaksud sejauh ini telah memiliki arti yang signifikan dalam pemberantasan tindak pidana korupsi. Akan tetapi, pemberantasan tindak pidana korupsi yang bersifat represif ini belum dapat dikatakan efektif. Putusan hakim yang berupa penghukuman kepada koruptur yang dinyatakan bersalah tidak mengakibatkan hilangnya praktik korupsi di lembaga pemerintah.

Keberadaan KPK yang hanya mengutamakan penyelesaian secara represif belum dapat dikatakan menuai hasil yang maksimal. Peraturan yang diciptakan begitu ketat tidak sepenuhnya menghilangkan praktik korupsi yang dimana secara silih berganti kasus mengenai dugaan korupsi tidak habis-habisnya menjadi perkara di pengadilan dengan pihak yang berbeda-beda tentunya. Hal ini disebabkan oleh ketiadaan akan kesadaran moral yang dimiliki oleh pejabat negara. Kesadaran moral itu erat kaitannya dengan hati nurani. Menurut E.Y. Kanter dalam bukunya Etika Profesi Hukum (:2001), hati nurani selalu berkenaan dengan situasi yang paling konkret sehingga bila tidak mengikuti hati nurani, seseorang menghancurkan integritas pribadinya dan mengkhianati martabat yang terdalam pada dirinya, menghancurkan otonomi dirinya. Keberadaan hati nurani merupakan pembentuk dari kesadaran hukum. Pada keadaan ini, hukum dipandang bukan lagi sebagai suatu kewajiban yang apabila tidak ditaati memiliki konsekuensi tertentu. Akan tetapi, hukum dipandang sebagai suatu keyakinan terhadap sesuatu hal.

UU Tipikor secara formal memiliki sanksi yang sangat berat bagi pihak yang terbukti melakukannya. Akan tetapi, sanksi tersebut bukanlah menjadi suatu esensi dalam pemberantasan tindak pidana korupsi. Kesadaran moral dan kesadaran hukum mengenai tindak pidana korupsi merupakan harga mati apabila ingin menhentikan praktik korupsi. Hal ini dapat dicapai melalui pemahaman yang harus dimiliki setiap elemen negara mengenai bahaya laten korupsi. Pemahaman yang dimaksud disini merupakan bentuk preventif yang merupakan fungsi dan wewenang KPK dalam memberantas tindak pidana korupsi.

Pasal 6 huruf d UU KPK menyatakan bahwa KPK bertugas melakukan tindakan-tindakan pencegahan tindak pidana korupsi. Tindakan-tindakan yang berupa pencegahan ini dapat dilihat seperti yang tercantum dalam pasal 13 UU KPK. Pada pasal tersebut terdapat upaya pencegahan tindak pidana korupsi yang dapat dinilai memberikan kontribusi besar dalam pencegahan tindak pidana korupsi. Upaya tersebut yakni menyelenggarakan program pendidikan antikorupsi pada setiap jenjang pendidikan.

Pada tanggal 2 maret 2007, pendidikan korupsi diadakan di Universitas Katolik Parahyangan. Tujuannya tidak lain menjadikan mahasiwa sebagai training of trainers. Dimana program pelatihan ini memiliki arah berkelanjutan agar peserta pelatihan ini menjadi duta KPK dalam memperkenalkan bahaya laten korupsi di lingkungan pelajar sekolah menengah atas. Penyelenggaraan program pendidikan pemberantasan tindak pidana korupsi dapat menjadi suatu investasi untuk menghilangkan praktik korupsi di masa depan. Hal ini dilalui misalnya dengan mengadakan pendidikan korupsi dalam kurikulum pelajar tingkat pertama hingga pada tingkat perguruan tinggi. Pemahaman mengenai korupsi tersebut dapat diperkirakan akan membentuk kesadaran moral setiap individu dalam masyarakat. Dengan demikian, fungsi dan wewenang yang diemban oleh KPK dapat benar-benar memiliki nilai dalam usaha pemberantasan tindak pidana korupsi.


KPK merupakan lembaga negara yang memiliki fungsi dan wewenang dalam melakukan pemberantasan tindak pidana korupsi. Upaya pemberantasan tindak pidana korupsi dapat ditempuh dengan cara yang bersifat preventif dan represif. Langkah yang paling tepat dapat dilakukan melalui cara yang bersifat preventif. Hal ini dapat ditempuh salah satunya dengan cara menyelenggarakan program pendidikan antikorupsi pada setiap jenjang pendidikan.

Program pendidikan antikorupsi yang dilakukan oleh KPK dapat menjadikannya suatu lembaga kemasyarakatan yang berwujud enacted institution (lembaga masyarakat yang sengaja dibentuk) yang kemudian dapat berubah wujudnya menjadi basic institution (lembaga masyarakat yang dianggap penting). Perwujudan ini dapat memiliki pengaruh dalam pemberantasan korupsi. Alasannya bahwa KPK dapat menjadi saluran dalam membangun kesadaran hukum masyarakat mengenai korupsi. Dengan demikian, fungsi dan wewenang KPK memiliki suatu nilai yang lebih berguna dalam melakukan pemberantasan tindak pidana korupsi.


oleh: Lambok Hutapea,S.H.

Hukum dalam perkembangannya, mendorong para akhli hukum untuk menghasilkan suatu definisi mengenai hukum. Dapat ditemukan bahwa definisi mengenai hukum yang dihasilkan oleh para akhli memiliki karakteristik yang berbeda satu dengan yang lain. Hal ini memiliki alasan bahwa dalam proses menghasilkan definisi tersebut para akhli memiliki sudut pandang yang berbeda. Maksudnya, hukum itu mengikuti perkembagan kehidupan manusia sehingga mempengaruhi pola pikir para akhli dalam membentuk elemen dasar yang mewujudkan definisi mengenai hukum. Pola pikir ini nantinya mengakibatkan unsur-unsur esensial yang membentuk hukum.

Sebagai contoh, disini akan dijabarkan mengenai pandangan yang berbeda tentang hukum dari 2(dua) orang akhli hukum. Ia adalah John Austin. Dalam bukunya The Providence Of Jurisprudence Determined (:1831), ia memiliki pemahaman mengenai hukum yakni law is commands, backed by treat of sanctions, from a sovereign to whom people have a habbit of obedience. Baginya, hukum itu tidak lain memiliki sifatnya yang imperatif dimana didukung oleh adanya sanksi sehingga mengakibatkan setiap orang terikat terhadap hukum. Pandangan Austin menghasilkan bahwa pemberlakuan hukum memiliki sifat yang sepihak. Hal ini memiliki artian bahwa hukum itu merupakan produk dari seseorang yang memiliki kekuasaan untuk memberlakukan secara menyeluruh dan mengikat.

Lebih lanjut, perbandingan mengenai pemahaman akan hukum ditujukan terhadap pandangan Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Menurutnya, but what, after all, is a law? When I say that the object of laws is always general, i mean the law consider subjects en messe and action.....on this view we at once see that it can no longer be asked whose business it is to make laws, since they are acts of the general will ; nor whether the prince is above the law, since he is a member of the state; nor whether the law can be unjust, since no one is unjust to himself; nor how we can both free and subject to the laws, since they are but register of our wills ( Jean-Jacques Rousseau : The Social Contract, Book II : Chapter 6 ). Secara garis besar pemahamannya mengenai hukum ditujukan oleh adanya suatu pertemuan kehendak masyarakat. Hal ini memiliki makna bahwa kehendak yang dimiliki masing-masing individu dipertemukan dan dipersatukan untuk menghasilkan suatu peraturan yang menjaga ketertiban dalam kehidupan manusia.

Kedua konsep mengenai hukum yang dihasilkan oleh para akhli di atas memiliki perbedaan antara satu dengan yang lain. Perbedaan ini dilihat pada pandangan yang diutarakan oleh John Austin dan J.J.Rousseau mengenai unsur-unsur dasar dalam membentuk konsep mereka mengenai hukum. Hingga sekarang, dapat ditemukan berbagai perbedaan mengenai pembentuk konsep hukum di antara para akhli hukum. Akan tetapi, perbedaan itu sesungguhnya mengarah kepada cita hukum ( rechtsidee ) yang sama pada pola pikir para akhli hukum dalam membentuk konsep mengenai hukum. Cita hukum ( rechtsidee ) yang dimaksud, yakni :

§ ketertiban

§ dapat diperhitungkan (predictable)

§ kepastian hukum, dan

§ keadilan.

Cita hukum ini harus memiliki bentuk, baik dalam tataran teoritis hingga pada tataran praktis. Pada tataran teoritis, cita hukum berawal pada tahap interpretasi yang berujung pada tataran praktis, yaitu implementasi. Pada tahap interpretasi, cita hukum ini berawal dari konsep hukum itu sendiri. Hal ini berkaitan dengan unsur-unsur dalam pembentukan hukum yang selanjutnya akan diberlakukan.

Selanjutnya, tahap interpretasi ini berakhir pada tahap implementasi. Pada tahap ini hukum yang telah memiliki suatu bentuk akan diberlakukan kepada masyarakat. Akibatnya, setiap pihak yang berada dalam yurisdiksi hukum tersebut memiliki hak dan kewajiban berdasarkan hukum.

Kedua tahap ini yakni interpretasi dan implementasi, memiliki keterkaitan yang sangat erat. Maksudnya, cita hukum sudah harus tampak pada tahap interpretasi sehingga tidak menimbulkan kesulitan dalam tahap implementasi.

Permasalahan yang dapat terjadi bilamana cita hukum itu tidak dapat dicapai baik dalam tataran tersebut di atas. Sebagai contoh, ada kalanya suatu Undang-Undang (UU) tidak sepenuhnya meliputi keseluruhan dari cita hukum yang ada. Selintas mengenai UU Pornografi, memang dirasa dapat mewujudkan suatu ketertiban bagi masyarakat dalam meningkatkan moral yang kemudian tujuan itu mendapatkan suatu bentuk kepastian dalam penegakannya. Akan tetapi, bila dilihat lagi, apakah dengan pemberlakuan UU tersebut dapat menciptakan keadilan bagi masyarakat Indonesia yang beranekaragam adat ?

Keadilan merupakan permasalahan utama dalam proses pembentukan, pemberlakuan dan penegakan hukum. Keadilan merupakan salah satu bagian dari cita hukum yang paling sulit untuk dicapai. Hal ini dikarenakan bahwa konsep keadilan sangat bersifat abstrak dan relatif. Maksudnya, setiap orang memiliki penilaian yang bersifat otonom dalam mengaplikasikan keadilan.

Hukum yang telah mewujudkan suatu ketertiban, yang dapat diperhitungakan,dan mendapatkan suatu kepastian, tidak begitu saja dengan mudahnya mewujudkan suatu keadilan. Apakah pada keadaan yang demikian, hukum masih memiliki suatu nilai bagi masyarakat? Sunarjati Hartono dalam bukunya “Apakah The Rule Of Law Itu” mengatakan bahwa hukum itu bukan merupakan tujuan akan tetapi hanya merupakan jembatan yang akan harus membawa kita kepada ide yang dicita-citakan. Pendapat dari beliau memandang bahwa terdapat sesuatu yang luhur yang memberi kewajiban kepada hukum untuk mewujudkannya.

Sesuatu yang luhur itu menurut hemat saya ialah keadilan. Ernest Baker dalam bukunya Principles Of Social And Political Theory ( :1831 ) mengemukakan bahwa A law has value......if it has inherent quality of justice. Keadilan memang menjadi satu-satunya bagian dari cita hukum yang sering ditinggalkan. Dengan demikian, hukum yang tidak mewudjukan suatu keadilan akan tidak memiliki suatu nilai (value), baik dalam penerapan maupun dalam penegakannya.

Penulis Merupakan Alumnus Fakultas Hukum Katolik Parahyangan